Project Management
The management of the whole development process from inception to completion.
This includes the appointment of other consultants and agreement of fees, co ordination of design, supervision of works, programming and cost control to deliver on time and within budget.
This includes the appointment of other consultants and agreement of fees, co ordination of design, supervision of works, programming and cost control to deliver on time and within budget.
Contract Administration
The administration of construction project contracts, predominantly the JCT Contracts.
This includes the issuing of certificates and contract instructions required under the contract and arranging and chairing project meetings
This includes the issuing of certificates and contract instructions required under the contract and arranging and chairing project meetings
Quantity Surveying
The financial control of construction projects.
This includes project cost forecasting, project valuations, issue of certificates for payment and agreement of variations and final accounts
This includes project cost forecasting, project valuations, issue of certificates for payment and agreement of variations and final accounts
Bank Monitoring
The monitoring of development projects for the funder.
This includes feasibility studies, reports and the inspection and recommendation for monthly drawdown by developers from the funders facility
This includes feasibility studies, reports and the inspection and recommendation for monthly drawdown by developers from the funders facility
Clerk of Works Project Monitoing
The checking and monitoring of building work on construction projects and coordination and control of defects rectification after completion